As a sensitivity reader I offer both written feedback and consults (check list below for separate services/pricing, though they can be combined, just contact me) based on my areas of background, identity, and marginalization. Please be aware that a sensitivity read is NOT a content or copy edit, those are separate areas of expertise.
I offer full as well as partial sensitivity reads, and can generate a list of content/trigger warnings. I am also available as a consultant via Zoom or Google Chat. Please see services and what they entail below.
Not sure what type of service is best for you or want to combine services at a package discount? Can’t find the type of sensitivity read or service you’re looking for? Contact me!
$200 for up to 60k
$250 for 70-90k
$2.5/per 1,000 additional words for >90k
You will receive in-line comments and suggestions throughout your manuscript, as well as a 1-2 page editorial letter, explaining my in-line comments and offering feedback on how to address and correct any issues I flagged, as well as any additional resources I can recommend, if applicable.
Individual scenes and short stories, manuscript partials
$30 per 5,000 words
Same as the full manuscript read, I will leave comments and suggestions throughout your manuscript and include a 1-2 page editorial letter, explaining my in-line comments and offering feedback on how to address and correct issues I flagged, as well as any additional resources I can recommend, if applicable.
$1 per minute, available in 60-minute blocks
Availability based on personal scheduling
I will chat with you via Zoom or Google Chat (video and/or chat available, based on your preference) about any world building or sensitivity consulting needs. Consults can benefit authors who want to be proactive about their world building, character creation, tropes, or plot development before they launch into writing potentially problematic content.
I will be at your disposal for the allotted time and am willing to answer any questions or talk through concerns you may have. If this is a chat, a written transcript will be available. If this is a video meeting, I consent to the meeting being recorded for your own personal use, but you may not share or distribute this with others. This does not include any written advice, though we can go over scenes up to 1,000 words. Anything longer will be subject to my rates for partial sensitivity reads.
$100 without sensitivity read
$50 bundled with sensitivity read
This is a detailed list of content warnings to help readers who may potentially be triggered by these topics or elements. As I read your manuscript, I will compile a list of triggering topics or content that may be difficult for certain readers. This list can be published on your author homepage or included in the front matter of your book, once published.
I will include commonplace warnings and triggers, but if you have any questions or concerns about specific triggers or topics, or have specific issues you want me to look out for, please let me know in advance and I will include those.
This service can be booked separately or in combination with a full or partial sensitivity read or consult.
Please use these areas of representation as a reference before hiring me. Also, please keep in mind that no identity is a monolith. I will do my best to provide in-depth feedback based on my areas of expertise and lived experience, while also keeping my various areas of privilege in mind. If you’re not sure I’d be the right sensitivity reader for your project, please feel free to email me at alex@alexharrow.com and ask!
transgender, nonbinary
nonbinary trans-man
gender non-conforming
pronouns: he/him and they/them
fluent in gender-neutral pronouns
medical transitions
testosterone injections
top surgery (bilateral mastectomy with free nipple grafts, 2020)
full hysterectomy (2020)
legal name and gender marker change (Utah, 2020)
personal experience with systemic discrimination against non-binary identities on official documents, in the workplace, etc.
Queer (bisexual, pansexual, also used the labels lesbian and gay)
kink experience
single, twice divorced
German Immigrant (Frankfurt area and rural Germany)
immigrated to the U.S. (Utah) on my own at age 20
fluent in German, English, Latin
conversational in Spanish French
limited Italian and Ancient Greek
first-generation graduate and college student
BA in English and German Secondary Education
Master of Education
sexual abuse/assault survivor
grew up in low socioeconomic status
estranged from biological family
physical disabilities, mental illness
chronically ill
(mild) left-sided paralysis, unable to balance, vertigo
mild limp (left side)
chronically ill (hypercoagulant, history of deep vein thromboses [blood clots], starting at age 17)
chronic pain related to blood clotting internal scar tissue
occasional cane user
visually impaired, no depth perception
chronic migraines and tension headaches
PTSD related to relationship and sexual abuse/assault
panic attacks
DBT treatment, EMDR, various therapists
eating disorder—restrictive eating beginning as a child

I offer critiques (both content and copy edits) of your opening pages/first chapter, query, as well as submission package (query, synopsis, first 50 pages).
These editorial services include in-line comments and suggestions and are based on my own experience as a published and agented author, as well as market knowledge, specifically focused on adult and young adult science fiction, fantasy, romance, speculative fiction, as well as contemporary fiction.
See detailed description of each service below. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
$15 for critique
$20 for critique + 1 pass
$25 for critique + 2 passes
I’ll edit, sensitivity read, and proofread you query letter, and leave in-line comments and notes. For each pass, you will rework and resubmit your query and I will comment on the changes.
$30 first chapter critique up to 5k
$10 /per each additional 1k
$10 for each additional page pass
I will content edit, check for sensitivity issues, and proofread your first chapter, and leave in-line notes and comments. For each page pass, you will rework and resubmit your chapter, and I will evaluate the changes.
$50 for query, first chapter, synopsis
$100 for query, first 50 pages, synopsis
$5 for each additional query pass
$10 for each additional page pass
Getting ready to query an agent? This package includes edits, check for sensitivity issues, and proofreading of your first chapter (or first 50 pages), query, and synopsis. I will leave in-line comments in your document. Each query or page pass means you will rework and resubmit your query/pages, and I will evaluate the changes you made
Please include the following in an email to alex(at)alexharrow(dot)com with [Your Name] Sensitivity Read/Critique Request in the subject line:
Your name, manuscript genre and title, word count
The service you are requesting: full/partial sensitivity read, content warning list, submission package critique, consult, etc.
Which areas you would like me to read for: transgender, non-binary, anxiety, PTSD, etc. The more specific you are, the better I can help.
a short pitch of your work, no more than 300 words; think of it like a query
Before you submit:
Please be sure that your manuscript is polished and ready for submission. Unless otherwise noted in critique services, I will not check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation (copy editing).
I require PayPal payment before I begin a new project. No refunds will be issued.
I do not read unedited manuscripts or drafts.
I reserve the right to turn down any manuscript for self-care purposes.
Please note that a sensitivity read is NOT an edit; those are different. services, some of which I do offer at an additional cost
Please keep in mind that no sensitivity read can catch all issues or problematic content. I am only one voice and have privileges myself. I may suggest areas where you might want to consult additional sensitivity readers for areas I cannot address, such as race, ethnicity or religion